After twenty years since its original release on the GameCube, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is being reborn on Switch as Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life from XSEED Games. This is a new version of the original farm simulator, with no word yet on any new content or features. This title will be available sometime in Summer 2023. See below for more info and images from the game.

STORY OF SEASONS: A Wonderful Life: After nearly 20 years, a beloved farming experience is reborn. In Forgotten Valley, you’ll restore and expand your farm as you nurture crops, care for your animals and help the land flourish. Befriend the townsfolk and you might even meet your future partner and start a family! In this installment, those around you will grow older as time goes on. Your child will also pick their future life path depending on how you influence them. A wonderful farm life in Forgotten Valley lies ahead when STORY OF SEASONS: A Wonderful Life launches on Nintendo Switch in summer 2023.

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bahamut omega

2y ago

I can only hope that the pacing has been improved. To be honest, it's one of the few entries in the series as a whole that I didn't care for. Maybe this port will change my mind, as the original outing and the PS2 port just felt extremely clunky.

On the other hand, what we got as HM DS I loved.