Images from this gallery...

Rolling out the red carpet, this Peach display greets visitors at the entrance
Rolling out the red carpet, this Peach display greets visitors at the entrance

A look at the hustle and bustle in the event area proper...
A look at the hustle and bustle in the event area proper...

...and the view from the other side!
...and the view from the other side!

Mighty Peach cheers on players as they attempt the demo on a giant screen
Mighty Peach cheers on players as they attempt the demo on a giant screen

Pink Joy-Cons are the ultimate way to experience this game
Pink Joy-Cons are the ultimate way to experience this game

A cozy nook set up for players to try Showtime! on the Switch Lite
A cozy nook set up for players to try Showtime! on the Switch Lite