
Hamster has announced that the next title coming to the Arcade Archives series is Assault, a tank-based arcade game originally released by Namco back in 1988. You play as a tank and must reach the end point within the time limit and destroy enemies that are in your way. The game will be released on Nintendo Switch on September 29th, 2022, priced at $7.99.

About the game (via Namco Fandom):

In the year 2199, the world’s population reached the saturation point. To find a new planet Earth, the Pilot 1 planetary explorer was launched, with 1000 scientists and engineers and 2000 military personnel aboard. The mission was a gamble for the human race. 35,000 light-years from the Milky Way, Pilot 1 found a planet with floating continents. Detecting a strong life reading from the planet, Pilot 1 sent out a landing team and quickly occupied the planet. However, there was an amazing fact: the civilization of this planet was far more advanced than Earth’s, yet they never had war. More puzzling still, the native population completely vanished right after the conquest. Fearing for the safety of the second generation against a counterattack by the natives, the settlers strengthened their positions by building a series of fortresses on the planet. Although this was for the protection of the settlers, they had no right to rule by force. The player takes the role of a native fighter, who must crush this mighty military state to save the planet.[1]

You can take a look at a gameplay video for the arcade version of the game below.

About znbashi


Just someone who spent most of his childhood playing Smash Bros with my brother, which led me to explore more games. Favorite franchises include Xenoblade and Kirby.

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2y ago

Yessssss I love this game.