Back at Comic-Con, LEGO and Nintendo showcased an absolutely massive LEGO Bowser to promote the upcoming LEGO Bowser set. We’ve seen plenty of footage showing off the statue in action, but LEGO has just released a new video to showcase how it all came together.

Nintendo and LEGO teamed up on this incredible LEGO Bowser, which is 14 feet tall and uses over 660k LEGO. Believe it or not, this sucker is a whopping 4 tons! When you think about how light a single LEGO is, that stat is even more impressive!

Of course, the question everyone wants answered is just where is this humungous LEGO Bowser now? Did it end up at LEGO HQ or Nintendo’s offices…or did they dare to take it apart?! Let’s hope that last option wasn’t even considered!

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