The decision to cast Hollywood superstar Chris Pratt as the voice of Mario in the upcoming Super Mario Bros. animated feature-film from Illumination Studios has been controversial, but that doesn’t mean great (or cursed) things can’t come from it via the community.

Re-Imagined Games, a digital artist and start-up YouTuber with “zero game development experience,” is learning Unreal Engine from scratch to re-imagine Super Mario Bros. as a graphically realistic game featuring Chris Pratt as the main character.

What has come of this is the stuff of dreams and nightmares. An official trailer has now been released for the project, showing in-progress gameplay footage. Unfortunately, it’s very unlikely that this fan-game will be released publicly out of fear of being DMCA’d by Nintendo, but just the trailer itself is amazing regardless. Even the thumbnail just shows an impressive amount of raw talent.


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Comments (2)


2y ago

Not gonna lie, that was pretty cool.


2y ago

Hilarious! I wonder if the gag might have been better if it was Bob Hoskins, but it's a terrific likeness of Pratt and it probably was not easy to make.