
Plenty of hardware modders and hackers have taken the Super Nintendo and made it portable over the years. Some of the designs are bulkier than others, but they all manage to take a living room console and turn it into something you can play on the go. The latest fan creation comes from NIWAchannel on Twitter, and they may have come up with the nicest-looking and most elegant portable Super Nintendo yet.

This hardware mod uses the SNES Classic for a base, packs in a 4.3-inch LCD screen and combines a Super Famicom controller with a Super Famicom cartridge for the shell. It’s a combination that seems too good to be true, yet the device functions without issue, and is powered by nothing more than a USB-C connection.

Sure, this portable SNES can’t play every Super Nintendo cartridge, but it’s certainly a nice middle-of-the-road solution. Making something that actually accepts SNES carts leads to a bulkier design, but if form-factor is your biggest focus, this mod is definitely the way to go.

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2y ago


It seems like it's a PC Engine emulator running in the device on this picture!