Chrono Cross is beloved by many, but plenty of fans would quickly single out the soundtrack as one of the game’s finest elements. Square Enix clearly knows how important the game’s music is, which is why they’re paying special attention to it for Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.

In the trailer above, you can hear samples for a number of new and arranged tracks that’ll be in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition. The trailer does a great job of just giving you a taste of these tunes, and having listened to the entire trailer, I definitely want to hear more! Let’s hope Square Enix releases a Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition soundtrack somewhere down the line.

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2+ y ago

I love the music, but the gameplay they used in that trailer is super spoilerific. I mean, they show the end of the damn game.

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