
PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya is one of the most outspoken developers both at Platinum and in gaming in general. It’s always interesting to hear what Kamiya has to say, and he shared some interesting thoughts during a recent interview with Videogames Chronicle.

With Platinum recently wrapping development on Bayonetta 3, everyone has been wondering how the project has come along. Many believe that creating such an action-heavy, intense experience no doubt includes some challenges due to working with aging Switch hardware, but according to Kamiya, it wasn’t really a factor.

Fundamentally speaking, as a creator, I don’t feel dependent on hardware. We have the hardware in front of us, and whatever the hardware is, whatever the environment that we’re developing the game for at the time, we try to make the best out of what we have and feel good about it.

And that’s exactly how we approached Bayonetta 3: we had to make use of the full potential of the hardware that we have. And as I said, this mentality will be the same on every hardware platform that we’re developing games for moving forward, and not a mentality that is limited to the Nintendo Switch.

[PlatinumGames' Hideki Kamiya]

If anything, it seems like Kamiya has a considerable fondness for the Switch. As a matter of fact, Kamiya shared some hopes for the Switch’s successor, as he hopes that hardware ends up keeping one of the Switch’s main selling points.

Personally, this is a very lifestyle-oriented preference for myself, but right now I feel it’s really difficult for me to actually “sit” still in front of the TV and play games. For me, I lie down and play games in portable mode and I enjoy games that way, and that’s the biggest reason why I like the Nintendo Switch.

Whenever the new hardware that Nintendo decides to launch next arrives, I personally do hope that they still have this portable element so that it can support my lifestyle of playing games as I lie down!

[PlatinumGames' Hideki Kamiya]

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2y ago

This is a great approach and one I think Nintendo themselves take: it's not about how powerful your hardware is vs. what else is out there, it's about what are you going to do with the hardware you *do* have.

Too many developers and players often forget this important concept.