
We are very saddened to report that Jan Rabson, the voice of Larry Laffer in the Leisure Suit Larry series, has passed away. Mr. Rabson passed away on October 14th, 2022 at the age of 68. This news was shared on Facebook by fellow voice actor, Bob Bergen. Details on Rabson’s passing were not shared.

Jan Rabson has voiced Larry Laffer since Leisure Suit Larry 6 in 1993, and he stayed with the character all the way up to the franchise’s most recent release in 2020. Outside of games, Jan also lent his talents to A Bug’s Life, Mobile Suit Gundam, Akira, and most recently, the Disney+ Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers film.

On a personal note, I was playing the Leisure Suit Larry franchise long before I should have been, making Rabson’s voice forever engrained in my memory. Very sad to see him go, and we wish his family and friends the best in this trying time.

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2y ago

I actually didn't know he had voiced Larry until after I had read that he passed, I always knew him as Kerma the Turteloid.


2y ago

RIP. Never played any of the games, but you'd have to have been living under a rock if you hadn't heard of the series growing up. Love The Goldbergs, and it's one of the many games it's featured and referenced.