
As you no doubt know by now, Hellena Taylor is not returning to voice Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3. While PlatinumGames originally cited “various overlapping circumstances” as the reason, Taylor later claimed she didn’t return to the role due to a flat-fee for the job that she felt was insulting. Today brings us a bit more insight into the situation.

In a feature from Bloomberg, we learn that Platinum was looking to bring back Taylor for Bayonetta 3, and they were going to pay her roughly $3k-4k per session for five 4-hour sessions. In other words, Taylor would have made somewhere between $15k to $20k for reprising the role. In response to this, Taylor countered Platinum by requesting a six-figure sum and residuals for the game.

From here, the situation seemed to fall apart. Platinum turned down Taylor’s request and started to look for someone to replace her. This led to Jennifer Hale being cast as Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3, although Taylor was offered a cameo in the game for the fee of one session. Taylor turned down this offer as well.

It’s important to note that Bloomberg says the info above comes from “two people familiar with the negotiations,” as well as documentation Bloomberg reviewed. Bloomberg also reached out to Taylor on the matter, who said this account was “an absolute lie,” and said Platinum was “trying to save their ass and the game.” Furthermore, Taylor said she, “would like to put this whole bloody franchise behind me quite frankly get on with my life in the theatre.”

Representatives for PlatinumGames and Nintendo didn’t respond to requests for comment.

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I was pretty sympathetic towards Taylor and her story... Until I read about her throwing shade at Hale. That raised my eyebrows and made me suspicious that there was more behind the scenes that wasn't being talked about.

I think this article confirms my suspicions. Taylor was probably a bit too aggressive in her negotiations, and when she got dropped, she "went public" knowing neither the incoming actress nor the studio would be in a good position to refute her side of the story. The attack on Hale now sounds like it may have been done simply to make it harder for Hale to discredit Taylor's version of events without facing backlash.

This is messy, and I encourage people to consider that there is probably a LOT of stuff that still isn't public. Someone is clearly twisting the truth... But who? Hard to say without more concrete proof from either side...


2y ago

“Taylor would have made somewhere between $15k to $20k for reprising the role. In response to this, Taylor countered Platinum by requesting a six-figure sum and residuals for the game.”

Taylor has been trying to claim the victim of being lowballed. This changes that narrative.
She was offered great pay for half a weeks work if this is accurate.

Edited 1 time


2y ago

On one hand, I believe she has every right to be upset. For what is essentially gig work, voice actors have every right to determine their worth based on training and experience. As a musician, I encounter this frequently and we also saw a similar shakedown recently with John DiMaggio and Futurama.

On the other hand, I feel like Taylor has been very hostile towards Hale. Is it fair the Taylor feels cheated by Hale? Yes. Does Hale deserve to be a part of a “witch hunt” because she took a job that was passed on? No.

Is this a very messy situation with many inner mechanisms we don’t know about? Also yes. I really hope that through this turmoil, the Voice Acting industry continues to grow in respecting the value of the people it employs.

Edited 1 time


2y ago

I was pretty sympathetic towards Taylor and her story... Until I read about her throwing shade at Hale. That raised my eyebrows and made me suspicious that there was more behind the scenes that wasn't being talked about.

I think this article confirms my suspicions. Taylor was probably a bit too aggressive in her negotiations, and when she got dropped, she "went public" knowing neither the incoming actress nor the studio would be in a good position to refute her side of the story. The attack on Hale now sounds like it may have been done simply to make it harder for Hale to discredit Taylor's version of events without facing backlash.

This is messy, and I encourage people to consider that there is probably a LOT of stuff that still isn't public. Someone is clearly twisting the truth... But who? Hard to say without more concrete proof from either side...

Good comment. I think it's possible both sides are twisting things to make them look good. It's what people do. I saw a comment that sometimes VA get told there may be multiple sessions but are only guaranteed one. Maybe the contract was a per session contract, but only one was guaranteed? In any case, I'm getting the game with no regrets at this point unless more verifiable information comes out.


2y ago

Twitter drama. 5% hurt. 95% guesswork. Pick a side and see who can scream the loudest.

Personally, I don't care. What I do have a problem with is rallying up your fans to fight your battles for you. She isn't out for justice, she is out for herself, and trying to guilt trip people into this personal battle she's started.


2y ago

It's important to know that this information doesn't come directly from Platinum. So it's not quite a "Hellena's story vs. Platinum story" situation.

Jason Schreier isn't really known for not doing his due diligence and defending companies, he's been more than comfortable to rip into unfair treatment of employees in plenty of companies in the past. Not only that, but his info was backed up by other sources afterwards.

I gotta say, even though nothing is concrete, after mulling over everything again it doesn't look good for Hellena. It seems like a story of bitterness and jealousy, rather than one of a company purposefully being stingey.

If she really wanted to make a point about how voice actors aren't payed enough she could have done so without asking for a boycott and without throwing shade at Jennifer Hale.


2y ago

“two people familiar with the negotiations”

Are these the same people that Bloomberg used for their Switch Pro stories? How'd that work out? Taylor has said it's “an absolute lie”. This information isn't coming from Nintendo or Platinum Games, so I'd take it with a pinch of salt. I wouldn't be surprised if they never publicly comment. If these details are true, it would be in their favour to say so, and before the game releases. It would be foolish of Taylor to make wild claims if they can so easily be disproved. This story has a bit to go.

Actually it is Jason Schreier, a very credible journalist in the industry. As someone mentioned in another comment, he is usually the one to point out bullshit employer behavior and practices. I'm sure the full story has yet to be told and we might not ever get it.


2y ago

Well, the podcast is going to be interesting this week....

the utility man

2y ago

I definitely find this article much better than the other one that was done here. That one came across as biased and the author presenting their opinion on the situation as fact, and now it looks like they might be wrong on the matter too.

I agree. The waters are very muddied now.

Anytime someone’s character is brought into the conversation, it really moves the target of what’s being discussed.


2y ago

I think to go from calling out Platinum/Nintendo and to boycott the game to "I want to put this behind me" in the span of a few days is... suspicious.

If you wanted that, you wouldn't have made a public spectacle to begin with. And if the low offer was true, you wouldn't have given up so easily.