As you no doubt know by now, Jennifer Hale is the voice of Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3. Hellena Taylor handled Bayonetta duties in the first and second games, and she certainly set the tone for what Bayonetta sounds like. Hale is certainly doing her best to match what Taylor did before her, but just how close do things come? The video above aims to figure that out.

In the video above, you can hear multiple clips of Taylor voicing Bayonetta in the first and second games, compared with Hale in Bayonetta 3. To be completely honest, I think Hale comes incredibly close to sounding like Taylor, and there are multiple instances where the two voices are near indistinguishable. A very commendable job by Hale!

Are you happy that Hale did her best Taylor impression for Bayonetta, or would you rather she offered something a bit more unique?

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Comments (2)


2y ago

Whatever your opinion on Hellena Taylor, I said it before and I'll say it again, she has the better voice of Bayonetta. And so she should, she's the original, while Jennifer Hale is trying to imitate Taylor. You can argue that it's subjective, and there's no definitive answer.


2y ago

Hellena taylor does it better