
The Call of Duty franchise is one of the biggest in the world, yet it has absolutely zero presence on the Switch. As a matter of fact, the last time Nintendo fans got any Call of Duty love was with Call of Duty: Ghosts on the Wii U. Not having Call of Duty on Switch has certainly stung, but rumor has it that’s about to change.

Various Call of Duty insiders are claiming that the Call of Duty franchise will make its Switch debut with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. That title originally launched for PS4, XB1, and PC back in 2016. As Switch owners have had no interaction with Call of Duty in the platform’s 5+ years, a re-release to get people up to speed does make sense.

While Modern Warfare Remastered coming to Switch is a rumor at this point, we do have concrete evidence of interest in getting Call of Duty on the Switch. Just last month, Microsoft president Brad Smith specifically stated that they’d “like to bring it (Call of Duty) to Nintendo devices.” With that being a fact, a follow-up rumor of the first entry to hop over to Switch makes that much more sense.

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2+ y ago

Actually the last Call of Duty on Nintendo platforms was COD: Ghosts on the WiiU back in 2013.


2+ y ago

Great, I'm ready for some multiplayer FPS on Switch.
Here is in hope it features crossplay, otherwise we may see some ghost maps around here.


2+ y ago


Thank you for that catch! Just fixed the post.


2+ y ago

Sounds neat, but I’m sure it will be loaded with microtransactions like every other major third party game these days. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


2+ y ago

I wouldn't put much faith in what Microsoft president, Brad Smith said about Switch last month. I think he was just being on the charm offensive as numerous sites have said, because their acquisition deal still has to get government approval. If Microsoft go around saying that they're keeping everything exclusive, creating more of a monopoly that wouldn't look well. It's said Microsoft alone will now have 13% of the market.

And if they do give us an old game on Switch, it's probably to appease lawmakers and try to lure people to the modern games on modern consoles.

I really enjoyed Blops II on Wii U. Also, what was a cool feature, though I didn't make use of it personally was that one player could play on the gamepad, while a second player could play on the TV at the same time.

This was a cool feature that wasn't used often unfortunately. Sonic Racing Transformed was another game that allowed this.


2+ y ago

Loved Call of Duty Ghosts on WiiU, the gameplay, settings and environments were all superb. Looking forward to playing CoD on Switch if it's true.

“If Microsoft go around saying that they're keeping everything exclusive, creating more of a monopoly that wouldn't look well. It's said Microsoft alone will now have 13% of the market.”

Dude, learn what a monopoly means instead of parroting fanboy hysteria.
1) They don’t have a monopoly.
2) You can’t have “more” of a monopoly.
3) 13% proves 1)

If they did make every Activision Blizzard title an exclusive and even withdrew their existing games already on other platforms, they still wouldn’t have a monopoly any more than Nintendo has a monopoly on their IPs.

Edited 1 time


2+ y ago

If this has motion controls, it will be day one buy for me. The Wii CoDs were so fun.


2+ y ago

Without Treyarch's wiimote controls, I have zero interest.