
It’s not exactly breaking news to talk about Japan’s love of the Pokémon franchise. Japanese gamers have been there since day one of the series, and if anything, they’ve only grown in their appreciation for all things Pocket Monsters since. The latest evidence of that comes from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet pre-orders.

According to data compiled by Pierre485, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have pulled in 1,208 pre-orders at COMG!, a chain of videogame stores in Japan. That’s a very notable achievement, as no other Switch game has managed to pull in that many pre-orders! Along with that, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet have also surpassed the first 3 days of sales for any other Pokémon game on Switch.

Want a little perspective for some of this data? Here’s where some of the other Switch heavy-hitters were at in terms of pre-orders prior to launching. Remember, we’re talking about games that went on to sell tens of millions in most cases! In particular, this data comes from 14 days before launch.

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 434
  • Splatoon 3 - 497
  • Smash Bros. Ultimate - 641
  • Monster Hunter Rise - 797

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1+ y ago

I haven’t pre-ordered because…why when I’m buying digital. But I have purchased another set of €99 vouchers and will spend one on Pokémon Violet.