
When you decided you wanted a Switch, how did you get one? Was it a gift from your parents? Did you trade in some games to snag one? Maybe you just used some money from your job? In the case of Benjamin, he had to put in a grueling 9 months of work to make it happen.

Benjamin, a young Chilean boy, wanted a Switch more than anything else. He wasn’t going to let not having a job stop him from his goal, so he set out to make some money the only way he knew how; collecting cans.

Over the course of 9 long months, Benjamin collected nearly 1,100 pounds of cans for recycling purposes. Every single one of those cans were crushed and sold for a tiny profit, but it all added up over those 9 months. Eventually Benjamin had enough cash to finally purchase that Switch he longed for, along with a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

A serious amount of work and dedication, and a cause that helped the environment. Benjamin ended up getting what he wanted, but he did a great thing for the people around him along the way. Let’s hope Benjamin now spends most of his time enjoying his Switch rather than collecting more cans!

Thanks to Sligeach_eire for the heads up!

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Comments (2)


2+ y ago

This story really impressed me. He has a real CAN do attitude. Collecting half a tonne of cans is no mean feat and over 9 months. Some people take it for granted how easy they have it and things are compared to other parts of the world.


2+ y ago

Great story!
Jokes aside, I hope he 100%-s Zelda and takes long to beat, so in-between playing sessions he can save around 150 more lbs of cans to buy his next game.