
We posted a few weeks back that Nintendo OSAKA, the latest retail store in Nintendo’s lineup, would be opening its doors on November 11th, 2022. Well, here we are on November 11th, and the store is already a huge hit!

Reports coming in from Nintendo OSAKA’s opening have shared that the location is so popular that the staff had to switch to a ticketed entry system rather than just letting people into the store. This same exact situation happened with Nintendo TOKYO as well, and it’ll likely remain this popular for at least a few weeks.

This store offers a lot of merch you can find at Nintendo TOKYO, but there are some exclusive goodies as well. As you can see in the image at the top of this post, there’s some lovely Pikmin goodies up for grabs. If you want to check out even more exclusive merch, you can take a peek at the official Nintendo OSAKA website here.

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