
Now that Sonic Frontiers has been out for a few days, dataminers have been digging deep into the game’s code to see what it hides. Surprisingly, dataminers have already dug up some very juicy tidbits pertaining to Sonic and Amy.

A number of different dialogue bits have been discovered, all of them cut from the final game. One group of cut dialogue includes Sonic talking about Amy, and it certainly makes it seem like the blue blur was hoping to partner up with Amy for more than just a working relationship.

You can hear the cut dialogue in the video above, which has a few lines that certainly show Sonic has more than a base-level of affection for Amy. The most interesting line pretty much spells out Sonic’s true feelings for Amy, with Sonic saying, “Amy… I should’ve made up my mind sooner.”

Outside of the Amy conversation, there are some other cut lines that point to Sonic losing his memory throughout the game. We’ll keep those after the jump just in case you consider this topic spoiler.

As you make your way through Sonic Frontiers, Sonic absorbs red energy that has imprisoned multiple familiar Sonic characters. It appears this red energy was slowly causing Sonic to lose his memory, as indicated by the following lines.

“Hard to focus… gotta keep going. I know I’m moving… I can’t feel it! I’m so cold now… numb.”

“My name is… my name is?”

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