Limited-time Pokémon exhibit opens in Hong Kong

The perfect Pokémon hangout

14 November 2022
by rawmeatcowboy 0

Pokémon Co. has been on a tear with the marketing campaign for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. We’ve seen special mascot suits, a bunch of themed snacks, multiple store takeovers, and now we’re learning about an exhibit in Hong Kong!

Pokémon Co. has announced a Pokémon exhibit in Hong Kong in honor of the upcoming launch of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. The exhibit can be found at Amaz By Lokianno, and it will remain open until Dec. 4th, 2022.

Those who check out this exhibit will get to see some Pokémon statues, take part in card exhibitions, and of course, scoop up a bunch of merch! You can see a few more pics of the exhibit in the gallery below.

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