Back in early October, indie developer Loren Lemcke and publisher Digerati announced that Terror of Hemasaurus would head to Switch on Dec. 6th, 2022. Unfortunately, that’s no longer the case. An update from the publisher has revealed that Switch owners will have to wait until Jan. 12th, 2023 to get their hands on this title. No explanation for the delay was given.

Play as a giant monster and wreak havoc on humanity in this retro city smash ’em up! Punch buildings, slap helicopters, eat humans, kick cars—enjoy multiple ways to cause carnage! Satisfying arcade action and mindless destruction for up to four players!

Earth is on the brink of a climate catastrophe! The Church of the Holy Lizard hatches a dubious plan to save humanity from its own reckless disregard of the planet—unleash a monster to kill, destroy, and inflict terror!

Embark on a rampaging trail of total devastation across multiple stages as one of four recently defrosted monsters. Roar with delight as you stomp terrified citizens and pulverise buildings in an apocalyptic, retro arcade blast of awesome monsters, satisfying destruction, and farcical fatalities!

Terror of Hemasurus is the latest game from Super Blood Hockey creator, Loren Lemcke.

[PR email]

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