
Keep an eye on your email, Nintendo Switch Online members. Nintendo is once again sending out a wave of emails that contain survey links. These surveys ask numerous questions about Switch Online, and also allow you to share personal comments on the service.

Answering the survey certainly helps Nintendo get valuable insight, but it’s also worth your time as well. Completing the survey will net you 50 Platinum Points in your My Nintendo account.

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2+ y ago

This Switch Online thing is tough for Nintendo. They're either going to have to break the bank paying for classic titles people actually want to play or add additional content/games as subscription contingent freebies. I don't ever see it happening given Nintendo's evergreen approach, but adding some early titles as full fledged freebies could be strong and possibly add some new life to the service (1-2 Switch, ARMS, Snipperclips would be good examples). Hopefully they see Sony's move and move one inch themselves, but seeing Nintendo offer DLC as part of the subscription was already shocking to me. I don't really see this happening, but I can dream.

Adding to that, this Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection is textbook why I'm so bearish on Switch Online. The first party content isn't enough, people who want to play these games remember playing Ninja Turtles (or insert this game here) with their friends. Nintendo isn't going to get Ninja Turtles. It is a huge content gap. Everyone's dream retro game for reminiscing time is different, and it is more profitable to release them in collections with bonus content than loan them to Nintendo. The Mega Man collections even had new modes with cross game content! Hard to compete with that.

Source: Person who paid for Switch Expansion pass the day Mario Kart DLC was available and is a shill.

Edited 2 times


2+ y ago

50 platinum points. Nintendo's generosity knows no bounds. Pffft! 😤


2+ y ago

I didn't get a survey :(