Those who’ve been following along closely already know that McDonald’s is going to offer some Happy Meal toys that are tied to the upcoming Super Mario Bros. animated movie. We found that out through a couple of leaks over the past few months, but today brings us our first official reveal, and it comes from McDonald’s Chile.

An official commercial from McDonald’s Chile shows off the collaboration, complete with a special animation made just for the spot. As suspected, a series of 8 Mario movie-themed toys will be offered, but some are slightly different from what we saw in the leaks.


It appears the toy lineup may be different between regions, but we’ll need to see the official reveal from other McDonald’s branches before we can confirm that. Either way, it’s nice to have an official announcement out there from McDonald’s. If you want to get a closer look at the toys, you can find the official lineup here.

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1+ y ago


Awesome ad! That's European Portuguese, though - so it's a safe bet it's Portugal, not Chile.


1+ y ago

The toys shown in that ad are completely different from the image used here and there's 12 of them. Only the Toad Kart is somewhat similar. They look great.


1+ y ago

Why are Mario and Luigi identical?