
The Story of Seasons series and Snow Park Yeti in Japan’s Shizuoka prefecture are coming together for a special event that turns the Story of Seasons experience into a real-life adventure!

Story of Seasons in Snow Park Yeti is live right now and runs until March 26th, 2023, and it includes both indoor and outdoor activities for kids and adults. Fans of the Story of Seasons franchise can enjoy a stamp rally to track down farm animals, Story of Seasons merch, a treasure hunt that has you digging in the snow, and of course, plenty of Story of Seasons-themed food.


Not surprisingly, the Story of Seasons menu includes both savory and sweet treats. You can expect vegetable curry, cow’s milk potage soup, pudding made with chicken eggs, and rabbit-themed café au lait. If you’d like to get a closer look at these items, you can find a collection of pictures [here]

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