
Capcom released Capcom Arcade Stadium for Switch back in February of 2021. The package eventually included 32 Capcom arcade titles, along with some extra bells and whistles. Now it seems Capcom might have plans to release a whole new wave of nostalgic titles.

Game Rating and Administration Committee of Korea has published a rating for Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium today, along with Game Rating and Administration Committee of Korea. Right now, the listing only pertains to PC, but this is sure to be a multiplatform title.

If the name is anything to go by, it looks like this will be exactly the same kind of offering as the first Capcom Arcade Stadium, just with a new set of classic arcade games. We’ll bring you news of an official announcement should Capcom make one.

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Comments (4)


2+ y ago

Very, very strange of them to do this alongside the new Fighting Game Collection.


2+ y ago

Seems like this should just be DLC for the current game.


2+ y ago

I sunk in HOURS of my life into the first one so keep it coming Capcom!


2+ y ago

Crossing my fingers for 1994's Alien vs. Predator to be included! It was included on the giant Capcom Home Arcade plug and play. Hopefully it will be included here along with more 90s Capcom arcade games.