
As you may have seen, the Switch is now Nintendo’s second best-selling piece of gaming hardware, sitting at 122.55 million units sold. That’s not the only record this hardware number has achieved for the Big N.

As of the latest sales update, the Switch is now the game industry’s third best-selling gaming hardware of all-time. There are only two other platforms that have sold more than 122 million units.

First, the Switch has to surpass the Nintendo DS, which moved 154.02 million units in its lifetime. After that, the Switch would have to topple the PS2, which amassed an unbelievable 155 million units sold.

Could Switch become the best-selling gaming hardware ever? You can bet Nintendo is cooking up some ideas to help the hardware achieve that record!


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Comments (5)


1+ y ago

Doomed! Doomed I tell thee!


1+ y ago


It could theoretically surpass PS2, but with the iterative half-step hardware upgrade seemingly cancelled it gets tricky. They’ll need at least two more massive tent pole software launches that get attention within the gaming sphere and outside of it

Or, they could just release the Switch to regions where Nintendo isn't officially present.


1+ y ago

Perhaps the addition of Tears of the Kingdom and its upcoming OLED variant will provide a nice boost to get the console a bit closer to the top spot? Regardless of where the Switch ultimately lands in the rankings, it's an incredible accomplishment for Nintendo, especially considering the commercial misstep of the previous hardware. During those rough years, I recall media pundits openly considering whether Nintendo should leave the hardware sector all together. As a Nintendo console owner since the early '90s, I refuse to imagine that world. Every Nintendo success story fills me with joy.


1+ y ago

DS came within a literal percentage point of the PS2 without even having the "cheap DVD player" gimmick that catapulted the PS2 to such success when DVD players were still new and expensive. If Switch can keep this up, we might actually have something that dethrones that damn thing.