Take a Slowpoke-themed vacation in Kagawa prefecture

Should be a pretty relaxing vacation!

04 April 2022
by rawmeatcowboy 1

What are the two most important parts of any vacation? If you ask me, I’d have to go with rest and relaxation. I don’t think there’s any more perfect Pokémon than Slowpoke to personify those elements, and it appears the people of Kagawa prefecture agree.

Slowpoke has just become the official tourism mascot for Kagawa, and Pokémon fans can travel to the prefecture for all sorts of Slowpoke-themed vacation goodness. From Slowpoke-themed hotel rooms to Slowpoke tour busses, there’s plenty of Slowpoke goodness to enjoy on your time away from work and school.


Want to see more of the Slowpoke-themed activities and spots you can check out while in Kagawa? Click here to see Slowpoke-themed restaurants, cruise ships, and more!


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2+ y ago

If they don't offer Slowpoke tails it's not worth it.