
Back in December of last year, The Outbound Ghost launched on multiple platforms, and chaos quickly ensued. Fans complained of the game being buggy and broken, and developer Conrad Borrell had mentioned that the version of the game that was released wasn’t the one he wanted out in the public.

All this was quickly followed by Borrell telling fans not to buy the game, publisher Digerati firing back at Borrell with their own accusations, and a legal battle starting up over the rights to have the game available on digital storefronts. As you can see, the situation started hot and only intensified from there.

If you’ve been wondering how things are going since then, we’re sorry to tell you that the legal matter persists. Borrell has started to DMCA copyright strike his own game in the hopes of getting it removed from any/all platforms still hosting it. In an interview with Kotaku, Borrell shared a bit more at where the situation is at right now, and how he feels about the matter.

“We put so much time, love, and effort into this game. Being in a situation like this is never pleasant, especially when it relates to one’s own work. I’m a game developer, my job is to make games, not to spend all this time dealing with legal matters.

The reality is that a contract is only as honorable as the person signing it, and people are not always who they seem. You can have the law 100 percent on your side, but if you don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars you won’t have the resources to make it count. There are of course good publishers out there, but over the past months, many other developers with the same, and different publishers, have reached out to tell me similar horror stories of not being paid, being threatened legally, and so on. The worst part is that they can’t do anything because they don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars to go through the legal system. They’re basically being held hostage.”

[Conrad Borrell, developer]

We’ll keep tabs on this situation and let you know of any/all happenings going forward. Hopefully this matter gets solved soon, and the game can return to digital platforms.


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