Nintendo NY details Mar10 Day plans

Make plans with Mario

03 March 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 1

Nintendo has already shared a massive breakdown of their plans for Mar10 Day, but that’s not all there is for fans to enjoy. For those who live in/around New York, you might want to stop in at Nintendo NY on March 10th for some Mario-related fun!

Nintendo NY has announced that those who stop in at the store from 5pm-7pm ET will have a chance to meet Mario and score some fun giveaways, while supplies last. Now, what does meeting Mario mean exactly? It seems likely you’ll just have the opportunity to get your picture taken with a Mario mascot, rather than meet Charles Martinet himself.

As for what goodies will be included in the giveaway, that remains to be seen. You’ll just have to travel to Nintendo NY on Mar10 Day to find out!

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1+ y ago

The big surprise will be Charles Martinet inside the Mario mascot.