
The long-running Pokémon anime as we know it is coming to an end. Ash will be making his way out of the series to make room for the debut of a fresh take on the series. In the lead-up to the final episodes, the Director behind the Pokémon anime series shared some thoughts on what the team aimed to do with Ash’s final moments.

Animedia Magazine had the chance to talk to Pokémon anime director Kunihiko Yuyama on wrapping the series. According to Yuyama, the team had a very specific goal in mind in chronicling the final leg of Ash’s journey.

“It started with the idea of tracing [Ash] Satoshi and Pikachu’s journey one more time. We wanted to depict world battling champion [Ash] as temporarily forgetting about everything he’s been through on his journey and just living the life of a 10 year old boy again.”

[director Kunihiko Yuyama]

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