
Waiting for the perfect moment to add PICROSS S GENESIS & Master System edition to your Switch collection? Hold on just a few more hours, and you can snag this game for its cheapest price yet.

To celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog 2 hitting theaters, PICROSS S GENESIS & Master System edition will be 20% off from April 8th to 25th, 2022. The normal asking price is $10, so you’ll be able to pick this one up for just $8.

PICROSS S GENESIS & Master System edition includes 300 puzzles for Picross and Mega Picross, 150 puzzles for Clip Picross, and 30 puzzles for Color Picross, for a total of 480 puzzles!

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2+ y ago

This is my favorite of the Jupiter Picross games on Switch. I've always loved Picross games that use actual pixel art from classic games for their puzzles.


2+ y ago

Urge to buy this rising... But my poor backloggggggg....!!!