
Nintendo has announced that The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma will showcase new gameplay footage for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom tomorrow, March 28th, 2023, at 7:00 am Pacific time. The video will be released on Nintendo’s official YouTube channel and will be roughly 10 minutes long.

As a reminder, the game is scheduled to release in less than 2 months, on May 12th, 2023, for the Nintendo Switch.

About znbashi


Just someone who spent most of his childhood playing Smash Bros with my brother, which led me to explore more games. Favorite franchises include Xenoblade and Kirby.

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Comments (8)


1+ y ago



1+ y ago

I know you just wrote about the hype train RMC buuuuut….ALL ABOARD!!!!


1+ y ago

Is this in lieu of an official "Direct"? Even if so, I'm excited... and yet, I hope it doesn't give too much away. I'm already sold on this game.


1+ y ago

Pleasant surprise for Monday morning, I really thought they'd hold back Gameplay until early-mid April, but I'm not complaining.

I don't think Nintendo wants to keep as much of this game a secret as possible. I'd say we have impressions, reviews and a final trailer left before the game releases.

I honestly can't believe we're as close to this game as we are. It's been a long time, but here we are just over a month away and it doesn't feel like it's actually just around the corner.


1+ y ago

Tease of the Kingdom

Actually though compared to the drip feed over the last several years this will be more than a tease… maybe. Depends on the locations we see and the mechanics they choose to feature


1+ y ago

So excited, but is 10 minutes of footage going to spoil those surprises when I pop in the cartridge on the 12th May.

Been waiting so watch, or not to watch 🤣


1+ y ago

Hoping to be surprised but expecting to be disappointed. Showcasing the same map with some new equipment and some traversal in the sky islands isn't enough. We want dungeons.

cheesus 2

1+ y ago

Hoping to see whatever the main mechanic is or some dungeon themes to get me excited