Art via @juanosborne
Art via @juanosborne

If you’re a huge fan of Tetris, this is a very exciting week for you. As we’ve previously covered, the Tetris movie will be available to stream on Apple TV+ on March 31st, 2023. Ahead of that release, the creator of Tetris himself has spoken on his involvement with the project.

Alexey Pajitnov is the man who brought Tetris into this world, and decades later he’s still involved with the franchise. That very much includes some work behind-the-scenes on the Tetris movie. Seeing as how this is a story about Tetris’ trip from Russia to worldwide, and all the crazy things that happened in-between, there’s no one better than Pajitnov to help paint that picture on the small screen.

Pajitnov spoke to Polygon about his involvement on this adaptation, and how it mixes together real-world events and some more fantastical elements.

“We got involved in the scriptwriting from the very beginning. We did our part to make it as truthful as possible, but we always understood we needed to compromise on several points. At the end of the day, we have our lives squeezed into the very short two-hour movie, and some exaggeration is kind of natural at that point. But I want to say that, spiritually and emotionally, it’s a very right and very truthful story told from the screen.”

[Alexey Pajitnov, creator of Tetris]

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1+ y ago

I wanted to see it.. But yes, now I definitely want to see it.


1+ y ago

And that's why the movie isn't 'based on' the true story but rather 'inspired by'. I laughed hard when they said inspired by in the last trailer.