
Everyone deserves a free present or two, right? If you’re playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land, we’ve got a ton of presents you can have for doing absolutely nothing! Just head to Waddle Dee-liveries in town and use the following codes to redeem your goodies.

  • ほおばりヘンケイでだいぼうけん – Star Coin x100, Car-Mouth Cake (available until April 25th 2022)
  • MOUTHFULMODE – Star Coin x100, Car-Mouth Cake (available until April 25th 2022)
  • ユーザーアイコンでディスカバリー – Star Coin x300, Kirby Burger (available until May 6th 2022)
  • ICONELEMENTS – Star Coin x300, Kirby Burger (available until May 6th 2022)
  • KIRBYMICROSITE – Star Coin x150, Attack Boost (available until June 10th 2022)
  • カービィカフェでディスカバリー – Star Coin x500, Food, Car-Mouth Cake (available until June 30th 2022)
  • BRAWLINGCOLOSSEUM – Star Coin x500, Attack Boost (no end date)
  • CLEARDEMO – Star Coin x300 (no end date)
  • FIRSTPASSWORD – Star Coin x100 (no end date)
  • KIRBYSTORY – Star Coin x300 (no end date)
  • KIRBYTHEGOURMET – Rare Stone, Car-Mouth Cake (no end date)
  • NEWADVENTURE – Star Coin x300, Rare Stone (no end date)
  • THANKYOUMETAKNIGHT – Rare Stone x3 (no end date)

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2+ y ago

I remember typing in a couple of more passwords than those listed here. One of them was THANKYOUKIRBY but I can't remember the rest.