
Most people who watch Marvel movies know that there’s always some sort of tease on what’s next at the end of the movie. It’s always exciting to get a glimpse of what’s coming down the pipeline for your favorite franchises, and it seems we’ll be getting just that from the upcoming Super Mario Bros. movie.

In an interview with CBR, Chris Pratt 100% confirmed the existence of a post-credits scene in the movie. Obviously he didn’t say what the scene showcases, but he did mention that it hints at what could be next.

“Listen, there’s like, at the end of the film, there’s a post-credit sequence that gives you a taste of what the sequel could be about. And that gets me very, very excited. But there’s been talk of Luigi’s Mansion. That was a Gamecube game. I think that would be great.”

[Chris Pratt]

Now you know to keep your butt firmly planted in the seat after the movie ends, as something special is hiding after the credits. You’ve got less than a week to speculate, so have at it!

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1+ y ago

Oh man..look let this just be a one time thing and move on. Its bad to have Chris Pratt voice Mario but to do it again?

And on top of that Nintendo has to be involved with the sequel because otherwise that would damage the IP..and doing this while the games are made needs more staff. Yeah I'm aware that Nintendo just got Nintendo Pictures but man even though it was his dream being a film maker, it sucks that Yoshiaki Koizumi would probably be under Nintendo pictures at some point.