
Well, that’s a wrap on E3 2023.

Following rumors of E3 2023 getting called off, we now have official confirmation that this year’s big show is no longer taking place. While the ESA is yet to make a statement on the matter, IGN has confirmed through two separate sources that the game industry’s biggest show is no longer taking place.

E3 didn’t matter all that much to Nintendo fans this year, as Nintendo confirmed that they wouldn’t have a presence at this year’s event at all. Nintendo usually sets up shop with a booth at E3, but this year they decided to hang back. It looks like Nintendo either made the right decision, or they had an early clue something was up.


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1+ y ago

Not unexpected. All major players never signed up and minor players had all slowly voiced they would not be attended.


1+ y ago

As expected as it was, it really is the end of an era. I'll miss the concentrated fun of tons of game announcements all in the same week. Without E3 I'm sure all the big game companies will just find their own times to announce things so they're not fighting each other for attention.


1+ y ago

I remember when Nintendo started doing Directs the media said it was a horrible idea and that they were missing out on the big stage. Now, that stage is gone and everybody is doing Directs.


1+ y ago


I remember this too!
Overall Nintendo may be behind the curve when it comes to things like online, but they really do set trends that reverberate through the entire industry.

I think most the initial media criticism was knee-jerk reaction to fear of being cut out of the picture. They saw Directs as a threat as now readers weren't turning to their E3 or event coverage to get news, Nintendo was delivering it "directly" to viewers. At the time it probably just made them feel uneasy.

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1+ y ago


Very Apple-like. Why go to an event when you can captivate your own audience?


1+ y ago

I also believe this is it for the expo, and it makes me sad.
I followed E3 for 20 years online.
Days if coverage on GoNintendo from the show floor, Interviews with the higher ups of Nintendo.... aww man.

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1+ y ago

So sad... Has a special place in my heart and I wanted it back no matter how small or bad it would be. Been looking forward to so many E3s and they have helped me with my mental health...

My whole life, almost 40 now, this is how it has gone. Nintendo does something plainly innovative that everybody mocks and then everybody starts doing it in a few years. This company has been ahead of the curve since I can remember. I wonder if all the people who say dumb stuff about Nintendo's next move ever reflect on their commentary and notice how wrong they were. It's funny because even when Nintendo takes a shot in the dark and is wrong about something, it's like they missed the Donkey's butt by an inch. Example: Wii U. The console is really quite similar to Switch. So, as much of a clunker as it was sales wise, it turned out that the Wii U just needed a few technical and aesthetic tweaks to become the best selling hardware of all time.