
The 1993 live-action adaptation of Super Mario Bros. may have a cult status now, but it was an absolute disaster when it originally launched. Both critics and fans alike were quite upset with what they saw, and the reaction to that movie was enough to keep Nintendo away from the silver screen for 3 decades.

On the eve of Nintendo and Illumination’s Super Mario Bros. animated movie, SyFy spoke to Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel, the directors for the 1993 live-action Mario film. In the interview, the duo said that their original script, which was trashed in favor of a rework from Bill & Ted writer Ed Solomon, could have rivaled that of Tim Burton’s Batman.

Rocky Morton: “I remember saying to Annabel, ‘This is it. This is going to be our Batman. It was very fantasy-oriented and childlike. I wanted to make a film that was mainly for kids, but also had qualities their parents could enjoy.

Annabel Jankel: “It was brilliantly esoteric. A road movie that very possibly would’ve make a fantastic film that probably would’ve been equally reviled because it was such a huge step away from the game. We were animators and thought in visual terms, so for us, (scriptwriter Barry) Morrow’s journey wasn’t going to work.”

[Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel]

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1+ y ago

I'd absolutely love to see the script, and better yet, perhaps a animated rendition of the movie from their vision, done in like, Source Film Maker or something like that.


1+ y ago

I don't know about the road trip script, but there's lot of info on old scripts as well as concept art on the SMB Movie Archive: