Back in November, actor John Leguizamo, who portrayed Luigi in the 1993 live-action Mario movie, shared that he wasn’t happy with the upcoming animated take on Mario. Leguizamo wanted to see an actor of color in the role of Luigi, as the directors of the 1993 movie fought hard to get Leguizamo in that role. Fast-forward to the launch of the Super Mario Bros. animated movie and Leguizamo hasn’t changed his mind.

TMZ spoke to Leguizamo on the street to ask him once again if he’d be checking out the Super Mario Bros. movie, and his answer this time echoed what he said months ago.

“No I will not be watching Super Mario Bros. They could have included a Latin character like I… I was groundbreaking and they stopped the groundbreaking. They messed up the inclusion. They disincluded.”

[John Leguizamo]

Leguizamo shares a couple more quick thoughts on the situation in general, and then at the end of the interview when he’s asked one more time about seeing the movie, he answers very firmly with a, ‘hell no.’


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Comments (5)


1+ y ago

What a stupid hill to die on. "I refuse to watch this movie because the italian brothers aren't latino!"


1+ y ago


Let’s be real: he knows it will probably be a hit and is upset he didn’t get offered a role. I think that’s at least part of his reasoning, but he isn’t going to openly say that.


1+ y ago

What?! I'm Latino and it didn't even cross my mind I'd see Latino representation in the movie, like what is he talking about, "disincluding" something that wasn't even there or expected?


red knight

1+ y ago

Wtf is he talking about... just be real and say what you really want to say.

"They could have included me. I'm groundbreaking and without me they have nothing groundbreaking. They messed up not including me. I should of been included."

Man your movie was garbage and is a stain on the ip's legacy. Nintendo doesn't want any association with that basura! It's like the producer of Link and the faces of evil upset he didn't get to play a part in developing tears of the kingdom or breath of the wild. It's as ridiculous as you can get.
Wake up, suck it up, put on your big boy pants and get over it.


1+ y ago

Why does he hate Anya Taylor-Joy who has Argentine and Spanish blood?