
The Anti-Defamation League has released its 2023 Holocaust Denial Report Card, in which they assess various social media platforms and gaming companies for their response to messages of Holocaust denial, and Fornite-maker Epic did not score well.

According to the ADL, Epic’s response to these concerns warranted an F rating, which they decided based on the following:

  • Fortnite lacked an explicit policy around Holocaust denial
  • Epic took more than 24 hours to respond when incidents were reported
  • Epic failed to take action on reports made by average users

Epic is yet to comment on this report from the ADL, but should they make a statement, we’ll add it to this post.

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1+ y ago

I'm not sure if I should take them seriously since they also wrote an op ed saying Ukrainian Yahtzees were the "good" Yahtzees to gin up support for a proxy war.