
Denis Dyack was the man behind Silicon Knights, the company that created Eternal Darkness for Nintendo, and also worked on Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. In a new interview with Kiwi Talkz, Dyack stopped in to share a few tidbits about his history with Nintendo and more.

The interview itself is over an hour long and you can watch it here. If you want to know the finer points of the discussion, you can find a recap below.

  • Eternal Darkness sold around a million copies on the GameCube
  • Dyack would like to see Eternal Darkness remastered
  • Miyamoto didn’t want to read the pitch for Eternal Darkness, but instead wanted to play a prototype
  • Satoru Iwata, before he was president of Nintendo, suggested that Nintendo buy Dyack’s Silicon Knights
  • Miyamoto was the one who suggested Silicon Knights work on Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

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1+ y ago

Denis Dyack, there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

I no longer have my sources cause it's on my old computer but I recall the man having a serious ego and made seriously bad decisions that drove this team way and destroyed Silicon Knights. Too Human was his pet project and there's a story on its own.

As a kid I was so hyped that a Studio in my province worked under Nintendo, I wanted to apply to Silicon Knights and build my way up from there so watching it's quiet downfall broke heart a tad.


1+ y ago


People haven't forgave Denis after his actions caused the end of Silicon Knights and he hasn't shown it to the people that he's sorry for what happened before. Even if he never intended it, he gave off he was only sorry he got caught type vibes.

It's why his kickstarter/crowdfunding failed and his remaining project stalled. Nobody wants to take a chance on Denis. Instead of going back on the front lines of AAA, he needs to dial everything back and prove he's not a prima donna director first by releasing some smaller games even if he has to self-publish them digitally.

If he can direct/produce a small game by listening to his staff and make the game fun, he can start building goodwill again from scratch. He just needs people that can keep him in check.

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