
The writing is on the wall for the Switch. There are still some major things on the horizon no doubt, but the system is getting a bit long in the tooth. Nintendo no doubt knows that, and they’re gearing up for the Switch’s successor more now than ever.

While Nintendo no doubt started work on the follow-up to Switch years ago, it seems now they’re really going full-steam ahead. We know this thanks to a job listing from the Nintendo European Research and Development subsidiary, which is looking to bring on a ‘Game Technologies R&D Engineer/Scientist.’

Under the Position Responsibilities portion of the job listing, Nintendo shares the following blurb:

The goal will be to aim for and go beyond state-of-the-art solutions in these fields, targeting current and next generation Nintendo platforms. It will be necessary to collaborate with game developers to bring new technologies to the market.

Nintendo clearly says they’re targeting ‘current and next generation Nintendo platforms,’ so you can’t get anymore clear-cut than that! Now when will we actually get to hear some details on what comes after Switch? Your guess is as good as mine, but it’ll likely be a year+ before we get any official rumblings.

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1+ y ago

NERD looking to port NSO apps to Switch 2.

And the eventual Virtual Boy app, only for Nintendo Switch 2 Online + Expansion Pak + Bonus


1+ y ago

Bring it on. For at least two years now I've been ready to happily retire the Switch and replace it with something...less outdated.


1+ y ago

I love the Switch and believe it’s got lots of life yet but still can’t help but be excited to see what Nintendo does next.