Dreamloop Games and Aksys Games today released a first look at upcoming social thriller Inescapable: No Rules, No Rescue. The clip gives a brief look into the voice acting and dialogue of Inescapable, and shows the title’s protagonist, Harrison, meeting his fellow “contestant” on the shores of the island that will be home to the 11 abductees forced to participate in the twisted darkweb TV series.

On the island, there are no rules or laws for the contestants to follow. Their only imperatives are to survive and to entertain the depraved audience of the Dark Web TV show on which they find themselves. Inescapable’s story explores human nature and how far people will go for social clout, wealth, and their own desires—and how much further they might be willing to go when they have permission to ignore the rules.

  • Multiple narrative paths
  • A provocative character-driven story
  • A diverse cast of characters with intriguing personalities and backstories
  • Hours of voice-acted dialogue
  • A full-length original soundtrack with music from Zero Escape’s Shinji Hosoe and Matias Lehtoranta

Inescapable is coming this fall to Switch.

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