
Nintendo Switch Sports may have its ‘Sportsmates’ characters front-and-center in most trailers, but the game still allows you to use Miis just as Wii Sports did. Some of those Miis are on display in the latest batch of Nintendo Switch Sports screens, and fans have spotted a very familiar face in the action.

In the Chambara battle above, you can see none other than Matt going toe-to-toe with a Sportsmate. Matt achieved meme status for his Wii Sports performance quite some time ago, but he’s remained part of the Nintendo zeitgeist ever since. As soon as these screens were released, fans were quick to point out Matt. There’s no doubt Nintendo is aware of the meme as well, which is why they snuck him in here.


Also, just in case you haven’t seen or heard of Matt from Wii Sports (or other Nintendo games on Wii), you can see a picture of the original Matt above.

Unfortunately, Nintendo has made it clear that Mii characters shown in Nintendo Switch Sports screens are not included in the game. In other words, Nintendo made this version of Matt just for this batch of screens. If you want Matt to appear in Nintendo Switch Sports, you’ll have to hop into the Mii Maker and recreate him yourself.

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Comments (3)


2+ y ago

Tweet right below it says "Mii characters shown are not included in the game."


2+ y ago


Thank you for pointing that out. We've now updated the story to reflect that information.


2+ y ago

I've never heard of Matt before, and I'm clued up on most things Nintendo.