Raise a Reader with New Pokémon Primers

What better way to get into reading?

15 May 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 1

Pikachu Press strikes again with three new Pokémon Primers books designed to teach young Pokémon Trainers about the whimsical Pokémon world.

In Pokémon Primers: Grass Types, Pokémon Primers: Fire Types, and Pokémon Primers: Water Types, Pikachu attends a music festival, goes camping, and enjoys a water park, respectively. Along the way, it befriends different kinds of Grass, Fire, and Water-type Pokémon, providing young readers the opportunity to learn about these different Pokémon types and their unique strengths and abilities.

All Pokémon Primers books boast sturdy designs and are filled with fun, colorful illustrations. With more than 100 lift-and-reveal flaps, Pokémon Primers are truly an interactive adventure for young minds. Pokémon Primers: Grass Types, Pokémon Primers: Fire Types, and Pokémon Primers: Water Types are available for preorder from Amazon US, Amazon Canada, Barnes & Noble, Chapters Indigo, Bam! Books-A-Million, Target.com, Amazon UK, and Walmart.com.

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1y ago

These look awesome, but I hope they don’t take away from people buying the actual Pokémon games! Lol