Us elderly gamers out there remember a time when videogames came with physical instruction booklets, and those booklets had a few blank pages in the back for notes. You could jot down passwords, tips, tricks, or whatever you wanted. Sometimes you’d even feel the urge to doodle an image or two. We have a feeling Ste Pickford was one of those people.

Pickford, a former RARE dev, has taken to Twitter to share a look at something very special he’s been working on. Ste, much like the rest of us, picked up Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom last week and has been working his way through it. While we’ll all no doubt remember plenty of places we go and things we see in the game, Ste is taking things one big step forward by making a journal of his travels.

As you can see above, Ste is quite the artist. He’s been doodling his early moments in Tears of the Kingdom to stunning fashion, and we’re absolutely obsessed with his work. We’re not quite sure how long it takes Ste to craft these pages, but according to the reaction he’s seen online so far, every single second was worth it.

As Ste says in his tweet, he’s not sure he’ll keep up with it through his adventure. We’re keeping all fingers and toes crossed that he does, because we can’t wait to see what else he can put together.

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1y ago

I'm not reading it (yet), but these drawings are indeed super cool! Veerry inspiring!