The Long awaited sequel to Super Sean 007! Sean rescued his best friend Haraku from the clutches of the vil bald wizard Xelar on his 7th birthday party. All seemed well and apart from the occasional scream coming from the mountains (I’m not bald!) it seemed like Xelar and his wicked army had vanished for good.

Until the fateful day Sean turned 8 and suddenly had to face his arch-nemesis again. This time he was captured himself and transported to an even more magical and remote world. What to do? Luckily his trusty (and not yet rusty) sword was in his hand when Xelar whisked him away. Now Sean has to once again become Super Sean and defeat countless new enemies, explore new levels and hopefully vanquish the bald evildoer once and for all!

Super Sean 008: Xelar’s Revenge will be released on Switch in July 2023. No word on pricing or file size at this time.


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