
Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida may spend most of his time working to make Sony successful in all avenues, but that doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy a bit of free time as well. What’s Yoshida doing when he’s got a moment to himself? According to recent comments, he decided to spend some time at the theater!

In a recent investor briefing, Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida mentioned that he had gone to see The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Along with that, Yoshida mentioned that he first started playing Mario titles over 30 years back, so it seems like he’s a longtime fan!

While Yoshida didn’t share specific thoughts on the Mario movie itself, he did praise the franchise in general with the following statement.

“A lovable IP can survive 30, 50, or 100 years. That is something we would like to make investment into for sustainable growth.”

[Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida]

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