
The Case of the Golden Idol just launched on Switch a couple of days back, bringing the award-winning experience to Nintendo fans worldwide. It’s said the Switch release of The Case of the Golden Idol was optimized for Switch play, but unfortunately, it seems that optimization also includes a nasty bug.

Multiple The Case of the Golden Idol players have reported some sort of serious hiccup with how the game handles saving. While the game is supposed to autosave progress, it appears all that progress is deleted if/when you exit the game. For whatever reason, no matter what you do, your save data disappears once you quit playing the game.

It’s clear the autosave feature isn’t working as intended, and it doesn’t appear there’s a manual save available. That means for now, keeping progressing in The Case of the Golden Idol on Switch is impossible, unless you never quit the game.

We at least know the team behind the game is aware, so hopefully a fix is in the works. If/when that releases, we’ll be sure to let you know.


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