
Earlier this year, we learned that E3 was once again canceled after hearing many big names, including Nintendo, weren’t attending. This was disappointing news for many, as Nintendo always held a great direct for the event. Last year after a similar E3 cancelation, we never got a full-fledged Direct, only a Partner Showcase. Because of this, many are wondering if Nintendo will have a direct during this year’s E3 Timeframe.

According to Ethan Gach of Kotaku, Nintendo is planning on having a “digital showcase” sometime this year. While the “this year” portion is a little vague, with how close it is to E3 season, it seems likely we could be getting a presentation pretty soon. This could be backed up by the second part of his tweet, which says to expect more news from him in “coming weeks and months”.

Overall the timing lines up well for what would be E3 Season if it was still happening, and while this isn’t an official announcement, the news is from a quite reputable source. Heres hoping we do get a not-E3 E3 Direct!

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Comments (7)


1y ago

While I know they won't be releasing it this year, I'd love for them to announce their next generation Switch at this showcase. But knowing Nintendo, they wouldn't want to mess up their holiday sales, so they'll announce it at the beginning of 2024 and release it at the beginning of their next fiscal year (either spring or early summer 2024).

Edited 1 time


1y ago

I do prefer additional showcases to subtractional showcases.


1y ago

Not to be the jerk here but “sometime this year” and “stay tuned for the coming weeks and months” is laughable.

It’s such a non-statement, anyone can say this, because it’s bound to happen SOMETIME this year.
Not hating GN, mind you.


1y ago

That's obvious... it's not even Q4. Why even post this here?


1y ago


Well GN shouldn't be posting this kind of stuff.


1y ago

It's pretty much guaranteed. The year isn't even half over yet.

And we know they'll probably give us something to promote Pikmin 4.


1y ago


It's from kotaku, one of the biggest troll sites on the net. You should expect nothing else.