PlatinumGames has been sharing a number of development blogs for Bayonetta 3 for awhile now, diving deep into various facets of the title. It appears the team still has a ton to share, as they’ve shifted from written blogs to video features.

The third episode of the video interview series has now been released, giving us another look at the development of Bayonetta 3 directly from various members of the PlatinumGames development team. This latest episode details the doom and rebirth motifs, how the characters were brought to life through cinematics and character animations, and more.

The devs that appear this time are as follows:

  • Supervising Director: Hideki Kamiya
  • Director: Yusuke Miyata
  • Producer: Yuji Nakao
  • Art Director: Yuki Suda
  • Lead Cinematic Artist: Atsuhito Shirai

Platinum has revealed that this will be a four-part video series, meaning the final episode will be released next week.


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