
Just last week, we shared that Aspyr Media was no longer releasing the “Restored Content” DLC expansion for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. That announcement shocked many, which led to fans wondering why the DLC was squashed.

Not surprisingly, many had blamed Aspyr Media for causing trouble, with one commenter on Reddit saying they heard an issue arose when Aspry wouldn’t credit the mod team for creating the expansion. That comment caught quite the wave of attention, but now we know it to be 100% false.

Zbyl2, the creator of the mod, took to Reddit to defend Aspyr, saying they did absolutely nothing wrong. You can see the full comment from Zbyl2 below.

I made the mod. The above is 100% false and I’m sad you got so many upvotes, because that rumor is now going to spread. Aspyr was great to work with and they offered to credit the whole team long before I even asked about it.

[Zbyl2, mod creator]

It’s good that the mod creator came in to clear the air, but now we’re back at square one as far as figuring out why the DLC was called off. Hopefully we get some sort of official explanation in the near future.

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1y ago

I'm guessing it has something to do with Disney not being comfortable with fan produced content in the game or Aspyr is just extremely ill equipped as a studio and can't divide resources between two or more projects.