Jack Jeanne is coming to Switch on June 15th, 2023. Ahead of the game’s release, Aksys Games has shared the game’s launch trailer, which you can check out above.

Welcome to Univeil Drama School - where you will be tried and tested in many areas of performance to become the best actor you can be.

The Tamasaka Troupe… A group of performers composed of males and males alone… Those in the troupe are able to perform in both male and female roles, and the troupe raises each of their actors to perform any given part on the stage. Under their management is Univeil Drama School where students perform no different from the troupe in an effort to captivate the eyes of the audience who watch fantastical worlds unfold on stage.

Those gifted who make their way into the school are separated into four classes to learn the art of entertainment and performances. These classes compete to determine the most talented class of them all.

The heroine, Kisa Tachibana, gave up on her dreams of being on stage, but a fated encounter opens the way to enroll at Univeil Drama School with two conditions. One is to obtain a leading role on stage at Univeil’s final performance. The other is to hide the fact that she is a female while she lives life as a Univeil student…

Two different rhythm games help you hone your performance skills - singing & dancing. Can you compete at the highest Jack Jeanne level?

Will Kisa be cast in the lead role in the final performance at the end of the year all while keeping her secret?

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1y ago

Still no gameplay even in the launch trailer.