Two more videos have been released for Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE, and both showcase the game’s voice acting. First up is Fubuki Clockford, voiced by Saori Onishi in Japanese. After that is an English voice clip showcasing Swank Catsonell, who is brought to life by Brent Mukai.

Fubuki is one of the Master Detectives dispatched to Kanai Ward. Her Forte is Time Leap. Because of her upbringing as a lady of the world-famous Clockford Family, she is a bit naive. She has a uniquely peculiar way of thinking, which can frustrate and confuse the people she talks to.

Swank is a prideful member of the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers who loves money.

Along with these character videos comes a Japanese commercial for the game as well, which you can check out below.

[P-N, P-N]

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